In Alabama, laws govern the requirements for automobile insurance. Many motor-vehicle accidents happen on public roads. Insurance proceeds provide compensation for injury victims when warranted. Some important automobile insurance laws are discussed below.
Is automobile insurance required in Alabama?
Liability insurance is required for people operating automobiles on public roads. The applicable law mandates the following coverages:
- $25,000.00 per bodily injury claimant;
- $50,000.00 for all bodily injury claims per accident; and
- $25,000.00 for all property damage claims per accident.
The above liability insurance provides a source of financial recovery for those harmed due to the negligent or wrongful actions of other drivers. The respective amounts are the required minimums.
Of course, a motorist may elect to have more than the minimum level of insurance coverages. On the other hand, some motorists unlawfully operate motor-vehicles on the road without the required liability coverages, although it is prohibited.
What is proof of insurance?
When driving on the public road, you are required to carry "proof" or evidence of insurance. It is documentation that reflects your automobile insurance information.
The types evidence allowed as proof of insurance vary. Many people are familiar with proof of insurance cards. However, other forms of proof may suffice. For example, the declarations page for your current Alabama automobile liability insurance policy may qualify as sufficient proof. See Ala. Code § 32-7A-6.
The proof of insurance should be valid.
You should not knowingly use any evidence or "proof of insurance" when the underlying insurance is not in effect. In Alabama, it is unlawful to do such an act. Unfortunately, the possibility exists that if you are in a wreck, the other driver will furnish "proof" of insurance that has lapsed or expired. You may learn of this after making a claim with the adverse driver's purported insurance company and receiving a denial letter in response.
If you are injured in a wreck and have questions about the at-fault driver's liability insurance, please do not hesitate reach out to Hobbs Law, LLC, in order to discuss your possible case. Dial 205-683-2892 today. The initial consultation is free of charge.
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